Building NodeC++ with cmake


  • cmake (version 3.14 or above)
  • a MacOS/Linux computer (NodeC++ doesn’t compile on Windows) [1]


You will need to download NodeC++ from Github. We recommend that you use the master branch (this is the most stable). If you want to use the development branch you can but there will be issues with it.

Now open a terminal and navigate to where you downloaded NodeC++

Running cmake

From the location of where you downloaded NodeC++ type

cmake -H. -B../build/

This will setup the build system in ../build

Once this completes navigate to ../build/ and run


This will fully build the project. This will produce the binaries in the output/ folder

Congratulations, you have built NodeC++ using cmake!


[1]You may be able to build NodeC++ on Windows 10 using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), but this is not tested.